Universal refrigeration condensing units with Scroll compressors Danfoss for cold rooms

Universal refrigeration condensing units with Scroll compressors Danfoss for cold rooms

Model: SRD-06МY

Availability: Available
Model SRD-06МY
Compressor MLZ045T4
Displ. m3/h 17.20
hp 6
Refrigerating power | -25 5697
Refrigerating power | -20 6836
Refrigerating power | -15 8131
Refrigerating power | -10 9658
Refrigerating power | -5 11265
Refrigerating power | 0 13228
Refrigerating power | 5 15527

* Minimum order quantity conditions apply.

SRD and MMS condensing units are manufactured with original Danfoss MLZ Scroll compressors, condenser with 6-pole low-noise fans, Danfoss pressure controls, filters, receivers, solenoid valves, pressure gauges and terminal blocks.

SRD-NV series condensing units are an improved version of the corresponding SRD series condensing units and are assembled with original Danfoss MLZ Scroll compressors, Danfoss pressure controls, filter dryers, solenoid valves and terminal blocks. They are equipped with larger condensers and fans with greater air-flow, which improve the units' stability at higher ambient temperatures.

When working in the -25... -10oC temperature range, the built-in pressure control must be re-adjusted.